Kodi's story in her own words:
Kodi Elizabeth Hawthorne ~ Sept. 20, 1983 - April 8, 2010
In Her Words...
"The path to break a single mother... into pieces.
Friday, 12 March 2010 at 18:21
I love my children, more than anything. They bring the light into my life and the air into my lungs. I had my son Tayven, at a young age... but it helped me grow into the amazing woman I am today. He teaches me things, every day.. about life, love, being loyal... and a good person in general. It's safe to say that my children are my essence. They are my life. They are the air and the wind around me.. they are ME.
Yesterday on March 11th, 2010, my 9 month old daughter was taken away from me. By the courts of Snohomish county, and given to her father, whom she just met on January 25th of this year. Tyler M********, a violent man with an extensive criminal background. A man who has no problem backhanding a woman. A man who has a restraining order against him RIGHT NOW from my mother in law because the judge found enough evidence to prove that he's been the one stalking this house. We have been followed, stalked, doors shattered, death threats... everything from A to B.
At the beginning of this custody battle... the accusations against me were of drug use, neglect and abuse of my baby girl. The courts ordered a hair follicle test... which I passed. The neglect and abuse was proven to be unfounded, given the fact that I've been taking her to a doctor's since she's been born who wrote a declaration that my daughter is thriving, healthy and she's seen no signs of abuse or neglect. Once all of this was proven to be false, they fabricated the next story.
One of my friends, or who I thought to be my friend, wrote me a declaration supporting my side. He wrote a declaration saying that he's seen Tyler physically assault me, which was true. He was there the night on New Years Eve of 09' where Tyler thru a bar class at my face. It busted my lip open and at the ring of new years at midnight, I was in the bathroom spitting mouthful after mouthful of blood out of my mouth. I also worked for Chris O*****, this friend.. in Hawaii. While I was there I discovered that his kids, ages 14 and 15 were extremely neglected. They had no food, barely any clothes and their father was forcing them to help him in his marijuana growing operation. The 14 year old even had 8 plants in his bedroom. When I got back home on January 7th, Chris followed with his kids from Hawaii a few short weeks after. Once the kids got back to Washington, they immediately moved out of their father's home and into their mother's and told her about everything that went on. The father, was extremely addicted to meth and cocaine, and would even do coke in front of his 14 year old. The mom of these children reported him to CPS. Cps contacted me, and I told cops the truth. Chris, in turn, assumed I reported the entire thing. One minute, he's my friend and on my side, the next minute I get a declaration from him from Tyler's lawyer, on HIS SIDE. It was at that moment that I knew that this case was extremely crooked, shady and in short - people were getting paid off. I believe, that even the judges were being paid off.
At the first court date, they ordered me to award the father visitations.. to meet her for the first time. They gave him 3 five hour long visits each week. At the next courtdate, they ordered a 50/50 split. After all the allegations they had against me went proven to be wrong, a new allegation was created. Something huge.. and far beyond anything even I thought was possible. Chris O*****, my "friend", was allegating that I raped his 14 year old son, 5 or 6 times, and that he had "computer data to support his claim". I was appauled. Shortly after, on February 16th I was served by police officers with a sexual assault protection order on behalf of Cj *****, the 14 year old. Please note, that Chris O***** works for hotmail abuse, meaning, he has access to anybody's email. I've been in many of my friends email inboxes while I stayed with Chris. Because, he could. He even said at one point that he could log into Tyler's inbox and write an email to me stating that he wanted to kill me and I would win custody of my daughter cause it would look like it came from Tyler. I declined. So this "computer data" to back up this sexual assault is completely fabricated by Chris. It's all emails... scripted emails, that even specifically mention my custody case.. things such as "Oh, what we shared was so passionate.. but we can't get caught! I would lose custody of my daughter!" Obvious, isn't it?
The day that I was served these papers was the day that my daughter was supposed to be returned to me. Tyler's lawyer contacted my attorney and said that in light of the new allegations they weren't returning my daughter to me. The next morning we went into an ex parte courtdate, for a motion that Mr. S**, Tyler's lawyer petitioned. This was just 2 weeks ago. While in front of the judge, they told him about the rape and that they would like to suspend all my visitations with my daughter. They also told the judge that in one of the emails I told the 14 year old that I plan to move to Florida, and change my name, to avoid Tyler having any sort of relationship with my daughter. The judge simply asked them if charges had been filed for this "crime"... they said no. The judge simply denied their motion and told them that i'm already prohibited from removing Ryah from the county and they were completely unjustified to keep my daughter from me and gave them 2 hours to return her to me at the courthouse.
The next courtdate, was yesterday. Please note that this courtdate was to deal with 2 motions. The first one was for a change of venue. This courtcase is only in snohomish county because that's where Tyler opened the parentage action and had me and Ryah take genetic testing to see if he's the father. Ryah resided in Kitsap county with me since she was 3 months old, and as the law goes, the custody battle is always in the county that the child resides in. The next motion was for them to approve the parenting plan proposed by Tyler M********, stating that the child shall reside a majority of the time with Tyler, and I will only receive supervised visitations. So, this courtdate the entire time has been scheduled for the 12th, which would be today... Friday. Last minute on Monday everyone received an email from Tyler's lawyer stating that the court date was moved to the 11th. This was odd, and in a case where everyone is already convinced that the judges are being paid off, it was extremely odd. When we walked into the courtroom, we were the only ones there. This never happens. There are always other people with multiple cases called, but not this time. When we walked into the court room, the clerk said "Mr. Shea, the judge says 5 more minutes." Hmm.. odd. This is where all the hell broke loose.
The same allegations as there were at the last courtdate where the judge denied their motion and told them to return my daughter. The risk of flight.. and the fact that there is a "pending investigation regarding felony rape charges in Hawaii." My lawyer replied with the same thing she did last time.. that these are just allegations, this is all heresay, and there are no charges. This judge, who seemed to be extremely close with Tyler's lawyer said that she doesn't care that there are no charges, that she thinks I'm a threat to my daughter and a threat to leave the state... stated she doesn't care that I passed my hair follicle test because the paperwork the lab provided seemed "shady" and she doesn't think I went to a state certified agency. The guardian At Litem whom was assigned to my case was on speakerphone during this courtdate since she couldn't attend since she also thought this was on the 12th the entire time. She said that she needed more time for her investigation, and that in the meantime she thought that 50/50 should stay in effect. The judge, which NEVER HAPPENS, went against the GAL. She ordered that my daughter be handed over to Tyler immediately, and that due to risk of flight I can only have 3 six hour visitations with my daughter weekly, and they have to be SUPERVISED!!! They ripped my babygirl, from my arms... completely unjustified, with absolutely no PROOF that this should happen. Nonetheless, into the arms of a bipolar and ill tempered man who is using my daughter as a pawn.
Justice is so twisted and skewed in this custody battle that I'm literally sick to my stomach. I have been crying since this was ordered and my knees shake when I walk. I woke up this morning to see an empty crib and fell to my knees crying. My little baby, is gone. My little baby that I stopped breast feeding only 3 months ago, who just met this man, is gone. When I went to the ferry to return her to Tyler, he was a completely different person than he was in the courthouse. In the courts, hes violent, evil and was smiling at me when he saw me break into tears when they ordered she be taken from me, but in the ferry terminal, he told me to kiss her goodbye, then he kissed Ryah on the same spot and leaned Ryah towards me again to have me kiss the same spot. This man is sick, and he figures if he has Ryah, I'll want to be near her.. and in turn, I will want him, and my god, I will never, ever ever again, want him.
So, I sit here.. out of money, because my attorney has now withdrawn from my case because the funds have depleted. I sit here, completely broken, and lost, and the one thing that I want I can't have because she was taken from my arms. They're trying to break me, and maybe they have, because I've never felt this broken hearted in my entire life. Being cheated on, being held at gunpoint, being beat to a living pulp, is nothing in comparison to the emptiness that fills my heart as I write this journal entry. I feel like my insides have been torn from me. I feel like waking up tomorrow will only bring more tears. I feel like now, I've lost my essence, I've lost me.. and now, it hurts to breathe.
It just, hurts.. and I don't know if I can go on another day living with this pain. But, for everyone who loves me, and for everyone who's supported me... I will try. But I can't go on like this forever."
- Kodi